

Filming Photo shoots



Legal Notice

Who are we ?

This site is the property of Chateau of Gadancourt, 2, route de Guiry, Gadancourt, 95450 Avernes.
Director of publication: Christine de Meaux


Site creation
,Rachel Coudray (Poliphilia)

Family Archives, Antoine de Meaux
Retouching: Rachel Coudray (Poliphilia)

Video montage


Pierre Montaz
Charles Sautreuil
Andrew Spurrier

Content protected by intellectual property rights

1) The general structure of the website, as well as the software and databases are the exclusive property of Château de Gadancourt. Any reproduction, any total or partial representation, any use, any adaptation, any provision or modification of these elements by any means whatsoever, by any person whatsoever and by any means whatsoever (in particular the sale, marketing, rental, etc.) without the express authorization of the establishment, any authors or their successors in title is strictly prohibited and constitutes an offense of counterfeiting within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code.

2) Scientific, cultural and educational content (texts, sound, audiovisual and multimedia documents, without this enumeration being exhaustive) as well as iconographic and photographic reproductions of works presented on this site with a signature or a © are protected under the intellectual property law. Among these contents, photographs and texts can be reused under the following conditions:

  • Photographs
    The photographs published on the site are the exclusive property of the Chateau of Gadancourt and are used by the Chateau of Gadancourt with the permission of their authors or beneficiaries. Any non-commercial reuse is permitted provided the source and author are mentioned. This authorization does not apply to media disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic, xenophobic nature or which may, to a greater extent, undermine the sensitivity of the greatest number; and to materials detrimental to the material or moral interests of the Château de Gadancourt. For any commercial and / or editorial reuse of images from Chateau of Gadancourt, please contact Christine de Meaux.
  • Writings
    The Chateau of Gadancourt is the assignee of part of the texts on the website, author of part of the texts of the website, the texts of the tours and the descriptions of works. Any re-use of these writings is free, provided that they are not altered, that their meaning is not altered, and that their sources and the date of their last update are mentioned. Any commercial reuse is subject to the prior and express agreement of the Chateau of Gadancourt. For any request within this framework, please contact the Chateau of Gadancourt.

3) The trademarks of the Chateau of Gadancourt and the logos appearing on the site are the property of the Chateau of Gadancourt. Any total or partial reproduction of these brands and / or these logos made from elements of the site without the express authorization of their owners is strictly prohibited and constitutes an offense of counterfeiting within the meaning of the intellectual property code.

Public information

In accordance with articles L 321-1 and L322-1 of the code of relations between the public and the administration, the informative and programming content of this site is public information whose reuse is free, provided that the latter is not not altered, that their meaning is not distorted, and that their sources and the date of their last update are mentioned. No transfer of ownership of public information is made to the benefit of the re-user. The latter has a personal and non-exclusive right to reuse this public information. Anyone reusing public information in violation of the aforementioned requirements is liable to a fine imposed by the Commission for Access to Administrative Documents.

Hypertext links

The Chateau of Gadancourt site authorizes the establishment of a hypertext link pointing to its content as long as it does not create confusion as to the source of the services and / or content produced and / or owned by the Chateau of Gadancourt and subject to: not using the deep linking technique, that is to say that the pages of the site www.chateaugadancourt.fr must not be nested within the pages of a other site, but accessible by opening a window. mention the source which will point through a hypertext link directly to the targeted content. The information used should only be for personal, associative or professional purposes; any use for commercial or advertising purposes is excluded. Warning ! This authorization does not apply to websites disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic, xenophobic nature or which may, to a greater extent, undermine the sensitivity of the greatest number; and websites that harm the material or moral interests of the Château de Gadancourt. For other uses, please contact us by mail at the address mentioned above or by email at contact@chateaugadancourt.fr